One Last Dart in Hand: Russell is left in the truck, looking at a picture of his daughter. It must be hard for him to handle. Being told that you have a daughter. He later goes back into the bar and sees his dad there. His dad is with Vince Thompson's dad. Russell tells a story about his father. Then listens to Kelly Ashton while she's talking to her mother about taking care of Hayley. Russell gets nervous because of the fact that Kelly's mom doesn't seem fit to be watching his baby girl. Then, he gets nervous because he has to finish his dart tournament. I got so nervous for Russell Harmon while he was throwing darts with Brice Habersham. He ended up winning though! It took him a long time to get into the "swing of things" but it seemed simple! All he had to do was relax, and not think. When he didn't think about anything, Russell's darts did exactly what they were supposed do. That's what made him the Dart League King, once again. With all the excitement though, Russell didn't see Vince coming towards him. I didn't see it coming either. But it did. Vince came, made Russell feel like he was flying, until he noticed he was on the floor in pain. Can't wait to read more!
Until next time, GLG.
Really enjoying this blog. Great posts on Dart League King, and your horoscope pieces are funny, too, and the forts are great. Our igloo is just a tiny lump of snow now. Very sad.