Monday, February 14, 2011

The Dart League King, pg. 69-138

I left my last reading blog in the middle of a section. The section was titled And All the Stars That Never Were Kelly Ashton is the character of this section and she's leaving to go to the Dart Competition to be with Tristan Mackey. Kelly's been in love with Tristan ever since the one day in english class when he recited this line, and it changed her world: "The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are the underlings." The line is posted above her baby (now toddler)'s crib. Kelly and Tristan are at the bar for the dart competition and there's an awkwardness between them because Tristan hasn't been acting normally lately, due to Liza Hatter. Kelly loves her daughter and wants the best for the both of them, hopefully with someone that could take care of them and love them. Tristan is her first choice, Russell being second (largely due to the fact that he's baby Hayley's father).
Give Me Darts or Give Me Death: Russell was extremely nervous for, well, just about everything. Vince Thompson was in the bar, all bloodied (which meant he was angry). Brice Habersham was extremely good at throwing darts. His friend, Matt, still had Russell's bindle and Russell had a feeling he was getting it back anytime soon. He seemed very agitated at everything in this section.
A Thing of Beauty: Tristan Mackey can only think about Liza Hatter. He's almost obsessed with the dead her. The internet helps him with information on things like "how long it takes for bodies to float to the surface after drowning" and "the rate of decomposition for bodies buried in the earth". Tristan is trying to give the Liza he thought was pretty, a farewell deserving for someone like her who was only pretty for one moment in her life.
Stupid A*sholes: Vince Thompson is sitting in a corner of the 321 bar. He's observing everything, and thinking about everything. Vince is especially thinking about a perfect fool-proof plan to kill Russell. Nothing in the world would make Vince happier, besides seeing Russell dead. Russell owes him a lot of money from a drug debt, and he doesn't plan on paying him back anytime soon.
A Dartboard Is a Perfect Circle: This is the first time I really got to know about Brice Habersham. He seems like an interesting character. I picture him looking like Jackson from the Hannah Montana Show. The brother on Miley Stewart. If there were ever to be a movie, he'd be perfect for this part. Only, he'd have to be older. Anyways, Brice is married to Helen. I would never want to know someone like her. Although, I feel like I live with one. Helen is a needy woman that self-diagnoses herself with fake illnesses that doctors can't find. She lays in bed all day and has a bell to ring when she wants Brice for help. Brice is an undercover agent for the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), his hopes are to have Russell arrested, get some of his friends arrested through him speaking to the police, and finally to get Vince Thompson off the streets but make it seem like it was not Brice Habersham himself. Brice doesn't want to hurt Vince. Brice thinks they're created a relationship from talking in his convenience store when Vince goes to buy beer and such. (Vince thinks otherwise about the relationship)
?Como Se Dice?: (I tried to do the upside-down question mark thing in front, but it didn't work. Thanks Google, this is why I like Yahoo!) Tristan Mackey knows spanish fluently. I don't, at all. So I have no idea what it means. Tristan wants to tell Kelly about Liza Hatter. He wants Liza's story to be known. He know it's up to him. Russell was going to hear it first, but that didn't exactly work out. Anyways, Tristan tries to tell Kelly about Liza Hatter but he can't speak for some reason. It doesn't really seem to bother him after awhile. A detail I liked that the book included in this section was the T.V. and how the Case of the Missing Student was airing on the local news at the time when Tristan happened to be watching. Seemed coincidental to me.
Candles: (If you can't read it, is says Candles) Russell finds it rude that Kelly is "ignoring" him. I think he just needs to wait (I already know what happens). Russell Harmon complains in the beginning of this section. Then, it's about his singles match with Brice Habersham (finally, it'd been postponed for a long time). Russell lost this match, but still had a chance at winning the championship. His heart was set on it. (That's what I like about Russell, he's a die-hard. But only when it's something he's passionate about.) The section is titled Candles because boom! all the power went out. The bartender at the 321 brought candles out and lit them. Russell freaks out because he thinks Vince is going to get him now that nobody can see anything. However, the first person to approach him is Brice. Brice says a few sympathetic words to him and asked what was going to happen to the rest of the tournament and, of course, Russell tells him that they're going to finish it (he can't give up that easily). The next person to confront him is Kelly, who drags him out of the bar. I already know what happens, I'll tell you about the next sections later.
Until next time, GLG.

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